Financing SDGs in Tajikistan
Brief description
The Joint Programme (JP) will be a nationally-owned initiative anchored in the National Development Strategy for 2016-2030 of Tajikistan and with a clear commitment to leave no one behind. The programme will promote evidence-based policies and actions backed by disaggregated data by gender and other vulnerability metrics. In the process of achieving programmatic results, the focus will be to build technical and managerial capacities, and strengthening partnerships with key government institutions. It will improve accountability and transparency of the government's budgeting practices to achieve the national SDG targets.
The JP approach is focused on resulting in a systemic change. First, as the integrated resource mobilization strategy becomes embedded in government systems, national poverty will gradually go down via increase in the use of alternative off-budget sources for SDG financing. Second, the principle of gender equality, non-discrimination, and addressing vulnerabilities amongst the population will be firmly embedded in government policy. Third, the quality of education, including early childhood development will improve, while lastly, as the government implements a national financing roadmap and act upon the policy recommendations, additional financial resources will be leveraged to support achievement of the national SDG targets.
Quick facts
UN Agencies:
National Partners:
Ministry of Finance
Financial Information