Reaping the Demographic Dividend and Managing the Socio-Economic Impact of COVID-19 by Applying an Integrated National Financing Framework in the Philippines
Brief description
The link of the national and sectoral plans with the budgeting process and financing strategies requires further strengthening as these plans and the related SDGs are not mandatory considerations in the formulation of the annual national budgets and the financing gap is significant. To address this, the Joint Programme (JP) will apply the building blocks of the Integrated National Financing Framework (INFF) to provide catalytic support, tools, technical assistance for strengthening systems, coordination and consensus building on priorities as part of a whole of government approach.
This JP seeks to implement 3 strategies to meet the JP outcomes: a) Strengthen and integrate existing building blocks of an INFF in the national government’s planning, budgeting and monitoring infrastructure to ensure appropriate financing and better delivery; b) finance and coordinate multi-sector priority SDG programmes that reduce future expenditure requirements on the SDGs, and (c) identify alternative financing sources for the SDGs. The programme will adopt a multi-sectoral approach in program design and execution led by the Subcommittee on the SDGs. The Subcommittee is mandated to engage local governments, development partners, civil society, the private sector and other stakeholders.
Quick facts
UN Agencies:
National Partners:
National Economic and Development Authority
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