Europe and Central Asia


Integrated Policy

Improving Municipal Social Protection Service Delivery

The programme brief description

Albania’s “Improving Municipal Social Protection Service Delivery” programme addresses social inclusion, protection and the needs of the most vulnerable groups. The goal of this programme is to contribute, in order to support the Albanian Government, in translating the policy intent into proper local actions to ensure that men, women, girls and boys living in poverty, or vulnerable situations have access to integrated, quality social care services. This supports the vision of an overall inclusive Albania. To achieve this goal, the programme focuses on the following outcome: all women, men, girls and boys, especially those from marginalized and vulnerable groups, are exercising their entitlements to equitable quality services, in line with human rights; and more effective investments in human and financial resources are being made at central and local levels to ensure social inclusion and cohesion.


This programme has established a two phased approach: the country should establish the architecture of the system (policy, legal, administrative instruments) up to 2020 and then go to scale and pilot the system at the decentralized level in the next years with progressive measures until a national coverage.

Target groups

The marginalized populations of Albania as well as Roma and Egyptian populations, specifically persons with disabilities, vulnerable children, women, the elderly, refugees and migrants.


Quick facts

Total budget:
USD $ 2,000,000

UN Agencies:


National Partners:

Ministry of Health and Social Protection, Municipality of Tirana, Municipality of Kamza, Municipality of Rrogozhina, Municipality of Devoll, Municipality of Pogradec, Municipality of Puka

January 1, 2020 to June 30, 2022 (29 months)

Financial Information