

SDG Finance - Enabling Environment

Integrating Policy and Financing for Accelerated Progress on SDGs in Uganda

Total funding allocated
SDG Finance - Enabling Environment
US $ 1000000
Co-funding by UN agencies
SDG Finance - Enabling Environment
US $ 1036000

Brief Description

The third National Development Plan (NDPIII) with a goal to increase average Household incomes and improve the quality of life of Ugandans has been prepared in full alignment to the SDGs. The Joint Programme aligns strongly to national priorities and Programmes with a direct response to the Government’s Public Finance Management Reform Strategy (2018-2022) and builds upon the recommendation of the Development Finance Assessment (DFA) completed in 2019. It is also a collective attempt by several actors to mobilise resource to finance the 18 programmes articulated in the NDPIII.


The JP will help Uganda (a) align its plan, policies and financing with the NDPIII to integrate SDGs, (b) srengthen the management of public resources to harmonize plans, budgets, and financing, as well as build institutional capacity of key stakeholders for accelerated delivery of NDPIII and SDGs, (c) enhance mobilization of additional private sector through improving business enabling environment that is engaging, and (d) reinforce monitoring and oversight systems to track implementation of SDGs, as well as encourage effective and inclusive participation through simplification of budget analysis tools and capacity building.

Quick facts

Total budget:
US $ 2,036,000

UN Agencies:


National Partners:

Ministry of Finance, Planning and Economic Development

Jun 2020 - Jul 2022

Financial Information