Latin America and the Caribbean


Integrated Policy

Building Better Lives through Integrated Early Childhood Interventions: Investing in the Happy Child Programme to Accelerate the Achievement of SDGs in Brazil

The programme brief description

This Joint Programme aims to support the scaling up of the Happy Child Programme - an existing social protection scheme that aims to reach families and caregivers through home visits with the support they need to ensure cognitive, emotional and social development of their children. This programme is an innovative and state policy, based on scientific evidence showing that early childhood development is one of the best ways for a country to boost shared prosperity, expand equitable opportunity, end extreme poverty and accelerate the SDG’s targets. In partnership with five UN agencies, this JP will accelerate results by adding 1 million beneficiaries and 1,000 municipalities into the programme in two-years. The progress of this programme can be assured by the commitment of the Brazliain government with the Happy Child Programme, and by the legacy of the Joint Programme when investing in human capacity at the local level and technology-based solutions.


The joint programme will identify and disseminate best practices of the HCP implementation that should foster municipality enrolment and increase retention in the programme. Municipalities and their local HCP committees will be supported in their key role to integrate multi-sectoral policies through capacity building and support to planning. Thanks to the UN multi-sectoral expertise, trainings and capacity buildings to municipal staff will be targeted to best deliver and manage public policies that targeted to young children and their families and caregivers.

Target groups

Women, children, girls, persons with disabilities, indigenous peoples, persons of African descent, adolescents who are pregnant or parents.

Visit UNICEF Brazil : Joint SDG Fund - Support materials for the Happy Child Program

Quick facts

Total budget:
US $ 2,646,400

UN Agencies:



National Partners:

Ministry of Citizenship; Brazilian Cooperation Agency of the Ministry of External Relations (ABC/MRE); Municipal governments; State Level Management Committees

January 6, 2020 to March 31, 2022 (27 months)

Financial Information