Toward a Somali Led Transition to National Social Protection
The programme brief description
The purpose of the Joint programme is to strengthen the capacity of the Government of Somalia to focus on prioritizing support to the most vulnerable populations, with a view of transitioning from short-term emergency response, to long-term predictable social protection mechanism – with linkages to education, health and justice systems. More specifically it aims to strengthen the Ministry and Labour and Social Affairs (MoLSA) leadership on social protection through targeted institutional support and capacity development. This will allow FGS to be better positioned to leverage three upcoming opportunities: (i) the unprecedented fiscal space that will be created by debt relief (decision point is expected in second quarter 2020) that is by definition conditioned to be prioritized on social sectors; (ii) NDP 9 (2020- 2024) which clearly identifies Social protection among the priorities of its fourth pillar: Improved Social Development; and (iii) Government prospects to create an independent contributory social security scheme.
This support will be done both at federal government and at federal member state (FMS) levels and will focus on three areas: (i) Supporting MoLSA institutional capacity for policy analysis and coordination of partners activities in order to ensure national ownership and leadership of the social protection reform agenda; (ii) Support MoLSA role to create an adaptive approach to reform through capturing the potential for scale of past and present social protection and link them with human capital (nutrition, health and education); and (iii) Strengthen MoLSA capacity on International Standards for Social Protection.
Target groups
Children, adolescents and youth, persons with disabilities, women, elderly, larger households with more dependents, migrants, displaced persons.
Quick facts
UN Agencies:
National Partners:
Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs
Financial Information