Advancing the SDGs by Improving livelihoods, social protection, human rights and resilience of vulnerable communities via economic diversification and digital transformation
Brief Description
The Pacific region averages one natural disaster per year, hindering economic growth and derailing countries' progress toward the SDGs. In addition, their economies rely heavily on tourism and agricultural exports which have been severely impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic and other natural disasters, leaving many workers unemployed or working fewer hours. This JP will support SDG acceleration by building community resilience and fostering economic diversification in Fiji, the Soloman Islands, Tonga, Tuvalu and Vanuatu. The JP will combine transformational upstream policy and regulatory interventions with downstream catalytic capacity-building programmes to strengthen resilience of communities through economic diversification in key sectors by creating an enabling environment for communities to adapt the digital era.
The programme will leverage the UN System's convening power to bring together stakeholders from across the economy including small businesses, youth, women and persons with disabilities to work with the governments build economic recovery and labor policies that promote vocational training, apprenticeships, economic diversification, and a job rich recovery. It will also build digital policies to bring access to information and digital access to rural communities, while simultaneously training rural villages in the use of digital technology and environmentally sustainable agricultural practices.
Quick facts
Total budget:
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UN Agencies:
National Partners:
Ministry for Employment, Productivity and Industriatl Relations & Youth and Sports in Fiji; Ministry of Commerce, Industries, Labour & Immigration in the Solomon Islands; Ministry of Trade and Economic Development in Tonga; Ministry of Internal Affairs, Department of Labour and Employment in Vanuatu; Ministry of Public Works, Infrastructure, Environment, Labour, Meteorology & Disaster in Tuvalu