Innovative and Sustainable Policy and Digital Solutions to Catalyse Enhanced Food and Livelihood Security in Niue
Niue is highly dependent on land and sea resources for food, nutrition and livelihood security. Premised on the resource-dependent nature of Niue’s economy, the Joint Programme (JP) addresses food and livelihood insecurity underpinned by three interrelated development challenges, namely, I) the unrealised potential to transition to an inclusive digital society, II) emerging but still fragmented efforts in integrated ocean management for a sustainable ocean economy, and III) not fully developed policy and practices, and limited access to information on nutrition and food security. This project proposes to draw on the optimum use of digitalization, nutrition education and the ocean economy to improve income, nutrition and the overall wellbeing of the population of Niue with particular emphases on women and children. Actionable strategies for digitalization and the blue economy will be developed and implemented to positively catalyse the agri-food systems, income and nutrition. Critical to the success of this project is the collaborative partnership between UNDP, FAO, UNICEF and the relevant government ministries to leverage their respective comparative advantages and maximize results from this investment.
During its lifetime, the JP will develop i) a gender responsive ICT policy (SDG 9), ii) a gender sensitive integrated ocean management strategy (SDG 14), and iii) inclusive nutrition policy frameworks, including a High Impact Nutrition Intervention (HINI) framework (SDG 2) as key policy mechanisms envisioned to accelerate the delivery of threefold benefits beyond the lifetime of the JP. This logic is underpinned by a causal chain whereby managing ecosystems sustainably will maintain its regenerative capacity to source nutritious produce, which in turn, requires employment for both sustainable resource use and management.
Direct Influence
Women, Children, Girls, Youth, Persons with disabilities, Minorities (incl. ethnic, religious, linguistic), Rural workers.
Quick facts
Total budget:
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UN Agencies:
National Partners:
Ministry of Natural Resources; Ministry of Social Services; Ministry of Infrastructure; Department of Finance and Planning. Civil society organizations and non-governmental organisations: Niue Youth Council Inc.; Niue Tolomaki Auloa Association; Niue Chamber of Commerce and Industry. Private sector: Telecom Niue Limited. Other partners: Niue Island Information, Technology and Communication and Development Council (NiDC); UN International Telecommunications Union (ITU).