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Publicado en Septiembre 16, 2024

Summit of the Future: ‘Critical’ opportunity for safer, more sustainable and equitable world

A once-in-a-generation UN summit bringing together countries from around the world marks a critical opportunity for far-reaching agreements on international collaboration for a safer, more sustainable and more equitable world, said UN Secretary-General António Guterres on Thursday as part of a global call to action to support the Summit of the Future, which begins on 22 September.

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Breakthrough Alliance on Technology and Media

A new alliance of the United Nations development system with the private sector. A Silicon Valley / Hollywood: Tech & Media Funders Breakthrough Alliance of the Joint Sustainable Development Goals Fund builds capacity for the SDGs with public and private sector support in areas including science and technology, transportation, urban planning, oceans, climate ed tech, climate equity, energy systems, and clean water, with the deep spirit of inclusion.


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