Building Resilience in Guinea-Bissau through a Shock-Responsive Social Protection System
To enhance Guinea-Bissau’s capacity to respond to climate, health and economic-related shocks, it is important to protect and support the most vulnerable through an effective social protection scheme. However, today, only less than 5% of public and private sector workers have access to social insurance, leaving everyone else behind. The aim of the Joint Programme is to help the government construct a shock-responsive social protection system. At the end of the JP, the government of Guinea-Bissau, and in particular the Ministry of Family, Women and Social Solidarity, will have an inclusive national social protection system, including a policy, a scoping study for the development of a unique registry, and financing mechanisms to sustain their work well after the end of the present intervention. National staff, especially the National Directorate of Social Protection, will benefit from capacity strengthening on implementation and monitoring of the social protection scheme. Moreover, 1,500 vulnerable households in food insecure and climate vulnerable regions will have access to non-contributory emergency social protection schemes and are enabled to meet food and nutrition needs.
The project aims to strengthen the capacity of national institutions to develop, implement, finance and deliver a shock-responsive social protection system. The JP plans to do so by a) supporting the Government on the policy level with the development of a social protection policy, the design of a financing framework and the outline of a registry system; and b) testing delivery mechanisms through the implementation of a pilot non-contributory emergency social protection scheme in three target vulnerable regions: Bolama Bijagos, Tombali and Gabu.
Direct Influence
Women, Children, Girls, Persons with disabilities, Rural workers, Persons affected by (HIV/AIDS, leprosy), Persons with albinism. Indirect Influence: Youth, Older Persons.
Quick facts
Total Funding:
UN Agencies:
National Partners:
Ministry of Family, Women, and Social Solidarity