María José Carvajal

Publié sur avril 14, 2021

Ecuador: Promoting Youth Employment and Social Inclusion during COVID-19

On March 25, 2021, "Impulso Joven Talks," an event organized by the Ministry of Economic and Social Inclusion of Ecuador, took place with the participation of specialists in employment, entrepreneurship, and education. This virtual space for dialogue and learning directed towards young people had more than 200 attendees virtually.

Publié sur février 9, 2021

Innovation challenge: More data about the informal economy in Ecuador

The first phase of the innovation challenge "For more data on informality" took place virtually on January 15-17. The event was led by the UNDP’s Accelerator Lab and had the participation of experts in the field of labor informality from the International Labour Organization (ILO), the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), and UN Women. More than 70 teams registered to participate in the competition and several students from the School of Data shared their experiences regarding data analysis and visualization.

Publié sur janvier 25, 2021

Ecuador launches the School of Data initiative: A collaborative diagnostic on young people in informal employment

Twenty-eight young people from the cities of Quito, Guayaquil, Machala, and Loja presented their collaborative findings and diagnostics on informal work, as part of the first edition of the School of Data program. The initiative is part of the Joint Programme: "Expanding the social protection system for young men and women in the informal economy," implemented jointly by the ILO, UNDP, and UN Women.

Publié sur décembre 29, 2020

First year progress report of the JP "Expanding the social protection system for young men and women in the informal economy" to donors

The JP "Expanding the social protection system for young men and women in the informal economy led by the International Labor Organization (ILO), in close collaboration with UN Women and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), held a virtual event to present the progress, achievements and future plans of the programme over the first year of implementation.