Reflections & Recommendations On Component 2 Of The Joint SDG Fund
The UN Joint SDG Fund (the Fund) aims to close the financing gap to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in developing countries through systemic action by the UN system. Component 2 of the Fund provides grant funding to initiatives that deliver a demonstration of concept and leverage investment at scale.
Between April 2020 and February 2021, Convergence led an independent evaluation process to evaluate and select initiatives for the 1st Call on SDG Financing for Component 2 of the Fund. 155 Concept Notes were received through the call, and an initial evaluation resulted in 28 shortlisted proposals. Across the shortlisted proposals, the Fund provided a total of $3.7M in preparatory funding as well as Technical Assistance before Joint Programmes were submitted for evaluation. Ultimately, the Fund approved $33.6M for four initiatives which would form the Fund’s initial portfolio. Twelve Joint Programmes were selected to receive additional time and support to develop their initiatives before being eligible for resubmission, forming the Fund’s initial pipeline.