SDG Localization Marker

Adopted by Local2030 Coalition UN Directors Group on 9 February 2024
Localization of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) refers to tailoring global objectives into reality at the local level, in coherence with national, subnational, and local frameworks and people’s priorities. This approach acknowledges the diversity of challenges and opportunities that different territories face, ensuring that strategies for sustainable development are not one-size-fits-all but context-specific, inclusive and participatory. Localization also relies on collaboration among a multitude of stakeholders, including various levels of government and their associations, coalitions and networks, civil society, academia, multilateral and regional organizations, financial institutions, the private sector, etc. whether governmental or non-governmental, each entity contributes distinct perspectives and methods in advancing the SDGs.
The United Nations Joint SDG Fund recognizes SDG localization as a fundamental element of its new strategic approach and a pivotal driving force behind all key SDG transitions. The Fund is committed to fostering targeted initiatives that propel the advancement of SDG localization through a portfolio approach. In order to translate this emphasis on SDG localization into operations, the Fund, has joined forces with the Local2030 Coalition, to craft a Guidance Note on the 'Localization Marker.' This tool serves to identify joint initiatives that effectively prioritize localization efforts, ensuring both policy coherence and transparent and accountable tracking of allocated financing for SDG localization, and facilitating rigorous monitoring and reporting on the progress achieved in localizing the SDGs. The Guidance is specifically designed to assist UN Country Teams (UNCTs) in applying the Localization Marker to the design, implementation, and accountability of joint programmes supported by the Joint SDG Fund.