

Integrated Policy

Development of an Integrated Social Protection System for Madagascar, Sensitive to the Needs of People Living with Disabilities

The programme brief description

The main objective of this joint proposal is to support the Government of Madagascar in strengthening its social protection system and making it more sensitive to the needs of extremely poor households (representing 52% of the population) with a special focus on persons living with disabilities. This will be done by developing an integrated package of social protection interventions tailored to the needs of different categories of people. The integrated package will include a combination of social safety nets, social health protection and GBV protection schemes, agricultural insurance and livelihood promotion activities. The ultimate objective of the programme is twofold: i) to promote social and economic inclusion of households living in extreme poverty in Madagascar, particularly persons with disabilities, by providing them with complementary social protection interventions aimed at supporting consumption, managing socio-economic risks and promoting human and productive investments and; and ii) to reinforce the national social protection institutional framework by supporting the Government in developing an efficient model that could be scaled up nationally.


In order to have a social protection system sensitive to the needs of people living with disability a twofold approach needs to be adopted, by defining an operational package of interventions tailored to their needs but also by having a clear political, institutional and legal framework that recognize and address their needs. By focusing on an integrated and coordinated approach, the programme will allow for social protection schemes that are at an early stage of development and implementation, such as the social health insurance scheme, to benefit from existing eligibility assessment, affiliation and referral mechanisms.

Target groups

Women, children, girls, youth, persons with disabilities, rural workers, victims of (slavery, torture, trafficking, sexual exploitation and abuse


Quick facts

Total budget:
US $ 4,238,423

UN Agencies:


National Partners:

Ministry of Population, Social Protection and Women; Funds for Development (FID)

November 1, 2019 to March 31, 2022 (29 months)

Financial Information