
Mauritius and Seychelles

SDG Finance - Enabling Environment

Contributing to establish an enabling environment to promote sustainable Green and Blue Economy in Mauritius and Seychelles

Total funding allocated
SDG Finance - Enabling Environment
US $ 1437800
Co-funding by UN agencies
SDG Finance - Enabling Environment
US $ 105000

Brief Description

The joint programme  supporst Mauritius and Seychelles advance on their green and blue economy agenda by activating integrated, gender-sensitive and evidence-based policy and financing levers that are catalytic.  In Mauritius, the focus is on renewable energy while in Seychelles, the focus is on solid waste management. The Joint Programme will contribute to strengthen the policy framework, establish  financial mechanisms, and avail information needed for the private and public sectors to invest in the green and blue economy to accelerate the realization of the SDGs. Adequate policies and access to critical information will have catalytic effects leading to increase in green and blue economic investments building on collaborations between governments, the UN Country Team, private sector and development partners.


In Mauritius the programme will support the creation of the adequate enabling environment for the deployment of ocean renewable energy technologies to help the country achieve its renewable energy target by 2030.  The availability of technical and economic analysis on the potential of ocean renewables, the update of the renewable energy policy framework and the development of necessary financing mechanisms will help catalyse the necessary investments from both the public and the private sector in the ocean renewable energy sector in Mauritius. With a focus on solid waste management the programme will support the Government of Seychelles in developing a circular economy roadmap and action plan, developing a financing strategy as well as strengthening partnership between the public and private sector. A seed funding mechanism will be implemented to  scale up the necessary investments in circular economy opportunities in the country, that benefit women, men and youth, and help communities diversify livelihoods, reinforce local resilience, and contribute to poverty reduction, thereby contributing to reduce amount of solid waste being directed to the landfill.

Quick facts

US $ 105,000

Total budget:
US $ 1,542,800

Total Funding:
US $ 1,437,800

UN Agencies:


National Partners:

Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Tourism of Seychelles; Ministry of Finance, Economic Planning and Development of Mauritius

April 2022- April 2024