Strengthening Guatemala’s Financial Architecture to Finance the Great National Crusade for Nutrition
Brief description
The overall objective of the Joint Programme (JP) is to support the improvement of public finances in Guatemala based on the Integrated National Financing Framework’s Assessment and Diagnostics building block. Specifically, the aim is to promote the medium-term sustainability of the national strategy to combat chronic malnutrition, called the Great National Crusade for Nutrition (GCNN), announced by the Government of Guatemala in early 2020. The JP proposes five evidence-based lines of action, and its target population includes: (i) children under 5 years of age, (ii) women and girls, and (iii) rural and indigenous peoples living in poverty and extreme poverty.
The programme's lines of actions include: (a) determining the cost of GCNN including all interventions, (b) identifying the GCNN's financing gap in relation to the time frame of the Food and Security Strategic Plan, and (c) developing recommendations for mobilizing public and private financial resources and establishing partnerships. The anticipated outcome is that, by 2021, a costing tool grounded in result-based management is made available to strengthen multi-year budget formulation and execution processes in order to promote the medium-term sustainability of the GCNN.
Quick facts
UN Agencies:
National Partners:
Secretariat of Food and Nutrition Security of the Presidency of the Republic
Financial Information