Additional Financing Leveraged to Accelerate SDG Achievement
Brief description
The Bhutan Joint Programme (JP) aims to facilitate the development and implementation of critical building blocks towards an Integrated National Financing Framework (INFF), a transformative contribution to the way Bhutan finances its development priorities. It will support the Government to identify and facilitate the mobilization of alternative sources of financing to support key milestones of the SDGs within the timeframe of Bhutan's 12th Five Year Plan (2018-2023). The level of public and private financing and financial governance systems to accelerate SDG progress and Gross National Happiness are expected to be enhanced.
To achieve the expected results, the JP targets key pillars of an INFF, including: (a) supporting an increased resource envelope for Bhutan by leveraging private capital towards SDG-aligned investments; (b) enhancing the architecture for the governance of finance; and (c) strengthening capacities of stakeholders related to integrated financing systems for the SDGs. Overall, the programme will develop a gender- and climate-responsive financing, align and coordinate national systems and strategies with Bhutan's sustainable development priorities, as well as strengthen an environment which promotes private sector investment aligned with the national strategies and SDGs.
Quick facts
UN Agencies:
National Partners:
Gross National Happiness Commission