Georgia’s Joint Programme (JP) for Integrated Social Protection aims to transform the social protection situation of persons with disabilities. To do this, mechanisms will be established to facilitate a sustainable social model of disability, primarily through data, legal and institutional frameworks. Policy, capacity and gender-responsive services will be developed and promoted to address gender-based violence and sexual and reproductive health and rights for women, children and young persons with disabilities. Systems will also be strengthened to enable quality integrated services for people with disabilities, including revised social system entitlements.
The JP has been active in a variety of areas over the first six months. PUNOs have provided feedback on the draft law for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities to the Parliament and Human Rights Secretariat (HRS). JP partners have studied the compatibility of Georgian legislation with the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD) and presented their findings to the HRS. Agencies have been working with Parliament to elaborate the National Accessibility Plan, while helping to strengthen the capacity of organizations for implementing the UNCRPD. Experts have engaged key stakeholders on the implementation of the Model Disability Survey. A concept note has also been prepared that outlines the results of the social model pilot in the Adjara region.
The Joint SDG Fund has authorized all JPs to repurpose up to 20% of funding to mitigate the effects of the pandemic on the most vulnerable. In Georgia, all UN agencies have switched to teleworking and adjusted their implementation modality accordingly. A Rapid Gender Assessment of COVID-19 has been conducted with a special focus on women and girls with disabilities. An animated video incorporating sign language was produced; informative brochures and posters/stickers on COVID-19 were developed in an easy-to-read format for PwD; while materials were delivered to the State Care Agency for further distribution.
Overall, despite the historic nature of the pandemic and its myriad effects on implementation, the JP in Georgia has made fine progress over the first semester towards improving social protection for persons with disabilities.